
Salt – The hidden “ager” (killer)

Nutrition? What is it, really? Is “salt” nourishing? What do some of the “experts’ say about “Salt”?

Learning the truth about “salt” and our supposed need for it, has allowed me to make wise choices regarding that supposed “need”, and thus benefit in many ways… You will learn the truth and want to act, if this info resonates with you, delivering IMMEDIATE and very noticeable positive benefits!
Knowing the truth about salt will allow you to make informed choices, to reverse “aging”, and experience many unseen and as of yet, unrealized, immediate health benefits. I will discuss these benefits, and more, in this course.

Why create a separate course just for this topic?

Because this is the most pushed/ encouraged/ fear-coerced “mineral” in the “nutrition” arsenal, in the “Food Pyramid” pile of bricks. There is so much fear when it comes to the human body supposedly lacking “sodium”, or salt, and it is never called what it is, “ground up glass”. It is rock, inorganic, sharp edged (check the Featured Image for this course), and literally kills your cells, and since all you are is cells, it kills YOU! Important.

I will not bore you 🙂
I take my courses very seriously, but at the same time I make them fun and sometimes even humorous, as I know these can be tough subjects, and I do not want to create fear, ONLY empowerment through accurate information.

My Approach
I will give you information, references as available, and complete all lessons/ courses with a video discussion. You will be fully informed, complete with my own extensive realizations, tests (on myself usually), testimonials from others (testimonials also from my Fasting Support Group on Telegram), and other sharing of verified information. I always keep in mind, that WE are the pioneers, since much of this information has been hidden, and many times not studied or shared by mainstream science, which as many know, is corporately funded, results driven, not truth-driven.