“Salt”, what is it??

"Salt", as it is commonly called, is "Sodium Chloride" (NaCl), Himalayan, Celtic, Sea, table, no matter, it is all "ground up glass", mined from caves, rock mined from caves, and it is deadly to the body cells.

What has been stated by experts?

“I often wonder why it is necessary to embalm such bodies after death. They are already pickled to the gills.”

What are the adverse effects of NaCl/ Sodium Chloride, “salt”

Why does food have Sodium Chloride in it?

Why do “nutritionists” still recommend it?

Why is it in “health food”?

Many do Not eat salt at all?

“Millions of the human race have lived healthfully, and died of a good ripe old age, without employing it at all; furthermore, hundreds of thousands of human beings now live in the enjoyment of good health, who have never used salt either as a food or a condiment.”

What has my experience with Sodium Chloride been?

What do I do now?

Ailments, adverse effects from inorganic salt

Stomach ulcers and some cases of blindness are due to salt. Glaucoma is one of the most prevalent and serious of eye ailments, causing about one in eight cases of blindness.

In the normal eye a thick fluid flows into and out of the eye at a constant rate. In glaucoma, exit channels for the fluid become rise. Vision becomes distorted, a rainbow halo appears around lights. If not relieved, the pressure continues to rise, eventually producing much pain. In time the optic nerve terminals are destroyed and blindness follows, due to salt eating.

Mr. A. age 39, paralyzed from waist down, limbs emaciated, was given up to die by the best doctors. He used salt freely. It was impossible to move the muscles of his limbs. A wise naturopath had all salt removed from his food, and at the end of four days he could move the muscles of his toes.

Mrs. B, age 50, was unconscious for three days from uremic poisoning: was told by three physicians that she would die of Bright’s disease. A wise naturopath had all salt removed from her food, and she recovered health.

Thousands of cases could be cited where the sick recovered health by simply living on a salt-free diet.

Sodium chloride (salt) conceals itself in the cells and tissues like a thief in the night, and irritation begins that calls for water.
This eventually produces hyperesthesia of the nerves, deterioration and hardening of blood capillaries, blood vessels, high blood pressure, all forms of growths, including cancer and tumor, arthritis, psoriasis, all forms of growths, including cancer and tumor, arthritis, psoriasis, neuritis, valvular leakage of the heart, defective hearing and eyesight, and is in fact the root of many ailments.

Ratcliff’s 200,000 a year who drown in their own body fluid, can thank their salt-eating habit for that.

The basic cause is not congestive heart failure, as claimed by Ratcliff. It is the result of salt-eating.

Frederick Hoelzel, after years of experimentation, declared that the cause of mental and physical deficiency is due mainly to a “retention of salt and water in the body.”

He relates in his book, “Devotion to Nutrition,” that his experiments showed that salt eating, with the retention in the body of salt and water, impairs the body’s functions.

Many people suffer from “hidden edema” due to salt. The most common symptom of this condition is a swelling of the ankles. Hoelzel showed that the cause is salt eating. He also showed that “salt retention, hypersensitivity of the skin, thickened skin folds and fat deposits are interrelated.”
— Professor Hilton Hotema, from his book, The Great Red Dragon

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