“Salt”, what is it??

"Salt", as it is commonly called, is "Sodium Chloride" (NaCl), Himalayan, Celtic, Sea, table, no matter, it is all "ground up glass", mined from caves, rock mined from caves, and it is deadly to the body cells.

What has been stated by experts?

“I often wonder why it is necessary to embalm such bodies after death. They are already pickled to the gills.”

What are the adverse effects of NaCl/ Sodium Chloride, “salt”

Why does food have Sodium Chloride in it?

Why do “nutritionists” still recommend it?

Why is it in “health food”?

Many do Not eat salt at all?

“Millions of the human race have lived healthfully, and died of a good ripe old age, without employing it at all; furthermore, hundreds of thousands of human beings now live in the enjoyment of good health, who have never used salt either as a food or a condiment.”

What has my experience with Sodium Chloride been?

What do I do now?

Quotes, observations on NaCl AKA Sodium Chloride

“As the salt [NaCl, Sodium Chloride] is absorbed by the body cells, they contract from the irritation, and discharge their precious albumen and other vital elements. This causes hardened tissues, shriveled blood corpuscles, hardened blood vessels, arthritis, and produces the state called old age.”

Hal Beller, M. D., said:
In the days of our forefathers, salt solution was used as an embalming fluid. The ancient Egyptians used salt, oils and spices in their mummy wrappings.

“Today we mummify the living with salad dressings made of salt, oils and spices, and see them walking down the streets. Their dry skin, shrunken bodies, and enervation bespeak of hardened blood vessels, livers, kidneys, and muscles.

“I often wonder why it is necessary to embalm such bodies after death. They are already pickled to the gills. (from: Philosophy of Health)

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