
Fasting 101 – Start Here

What is fasting? Fasting is what it sounds like, no food ingestion at all. A better word, and one that translates better to other languages, is to “abstain” from food. More explanation on this, the why,  is forthcoming in this course.
There is so much more misinformation “out there” regarding fasting, and I have compiled the most non-BS, accurate information regarding this topic. I have practiced many fasts since 2008, my first being a 40 day liquid fast. My life literally depends on me knowing what I am presenting to you here in this course.
With this knowledge, you can confidently use these protocols to clean up your temple, gain supreme health. What is that worth? SUPER POWERS are what we are capable of, and fasting modalities, a lifestyle even if you choose, will help you to attain spiritual and even physical abilities you have never experienced, and will be amazed by. VERY EMPOWERING!
Like with ALL of my courses, I will not bore you 🙂
I take my courses very seriously, but at the same time I make them fun and sometimes even humorous, as I know these can be tough subjects, and I do not want to create fear, ONLY empowerment through accurate information.
My Approach
I will give you information, references as available, and complete all lessons/ courses with a video discussion. You will be fully informed, complete with my own extensive realizations, tests (on myself usually), testimonials from others (testimonials also from my Fasting Support Group on Telegram), and other sharing of verified information. I always keep in mind, that WE are the pioneers, as much of this information has been hidden, and many times not studied or shared by mainstream science, which as many know, is corporately funded, results driven, not truth-driven.

Water = Life [Interstitial Fluids ISF (Extra Cellular Fluid, ECF)]



Interstitial fluid forms the immediate environment of all cells. To keep this environment and the supply of nutrients constant, there is a ‘continuous movement of fluid through the arteriolar end of the semipermeable walls of capillaries into the interstitial fluid and removal of fluid into capillaries at their venular end.

Exchange of water and electrolytes is determined by forces called Starling forces i.e. sum of opposing hydrostatic and osmotic forces between CAPILLARY BLOOD and INTERSTITIAL FLUID.

These exchanges in systemic capillaries result in a continuous turnover and renewal of interstitial fluid.

Electrolytes (Crystalloids, e.g. Na+, Cl, etc., SALT, MUMMIFICATION, “AGE”) in plasma and interstitial fluid also exert an osmotic pressure (OP) – this is huge (about 6000 mmHg). As the electrolyte concentration is the same on each side of the capillary membrane the crystalloid OP does not affect fluid movement. Protein is confined mainly to the plasma hence its OP does affect fluid movement.